Welcome to the December 2014 edition of Earn Your E.A.R.S.! The Enriching Academic Reward Series, or E.A.R.S., is an achievement program designed to encourage kids to continually reach for academic success.
Sign up to Earn Your E.A.R.S.! #FREE #Disney #homeschool resources
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As a homeschooler, I emphasize learning. I do not stress getting good grades, and so my children do not always appreciate the value of a high score. I would rather see them grasp concepts than celebrate or despair over rankings. E.A.R.S. is a way to stimulate students to do their best. It motivates them to complete their assignments and gives them the desire to do more. E.A.R.S. is not a standalone curriculum; it enhances students’ current course loads and rewards their diligent efforts.
Earn Your E.A.R.S. is open to all skill levels. If you registered your children in a previous year, you are still in the system and do not need to sign up again. The program will run September through April, dividing the eight months into a fall and a spring semester of four months each.
Register to #EarnYourEARS — #FREE #Disney #homeschool resource!
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Here’s how Earn Your E.A.R.S. works:
1) Register your students by submitting the below form or by clicking here. (Also available on navigation bar at the top. Those who register after the 5th of each month will NOT receive an assignment until the following month.)
2) Magical Mouse Schoolhouse will email your assignment by the 5th of each month.
3) Have your students complete and return the assignment by the last day of the month to receive an incentive reward. Please note that Magical Mouse Schoolhouse will NOT assign grades. We are interested in completion and education.
4) Students who complete ALL EIGHT MONTHS’ assignments will receive a Certificate of Completion and small “graduation” gift in May.
Are you ready to Earn Your E.A.R.S.?
Today’s Takeaway:
Register your students for the Earn Your E.A.R.S. program by submitting the below form.
To enter more than 6 children, please use an additional form. For less than 6 children, please place an X in empty fields.Thank you!
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The post December 2014 Earn Your E.A.R.S. originally appeared on Magical Mouse Schoolhouse. Think outside the textbook and expand your home classroom with Walt Disney entertainment! ©2012 Magical Mouse Schoolhouse